All work and no play makes J. a dull student.
J. had a great time
constructing a snow scuplture of a favorite movie character in the front yard. J. has practically memorized the script to
How to Train Your Dragon. Of course creating "Toothless" would be much more gratifying than building a snowman. While it lasted it was a great hit with the children in the neighborhood. Maybe the adults and teens too. Every day there would be a slight alteration made to Toothless by unseen passers-by.
J. recently
disassembled a hand mixer, seeing as how it was already broken. This was a great activity in discovery--very "hands on". Dad was there to direct this activity.
J. has a vast "
play-list" to study by and to accompany creative writing binges.
J. attends a
weekly evening youth group activity -- sometimes doing activities, sometimes learning skills, sometimes giving service.
J. participates on the
local libary's Teen Youth Council.
J. has been infected by a friend with
Manga Mania.
J. has
turned the tables on the "reading-aloud" model of the family and is
now the one reading aloud a favorite series to Mom instead of the other way around. The competition is on, Mom. Turn-about is fair play.